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Welcome to Lost In Reality. This is my personal writing blog. It’s not only mine, it’s also yours. You readers/members/guests are the fuel to LIR. Without you LIR would not exist.

LIR is primarily a Horror Fiction Writing blog of mine and I enjoy making new and creative ways of getting people to join in/read.

Well enough of the mushy stuff take a look around and enjoy your visit.

Hope to see you again. :)
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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
My Pet : Pretenders. 30012278

Pretenders. Empty

You try to pretend you're different,
But you're just like everyone else,
I think it's time you understood,
You only care about yourself,

You tried to make me believe,
That all your words came from the heart,
I don't know what I was thinking,
I must have been in the dark,

I don't know who you think you are,
And I don't know why you chose to lie,
But I'm tired and I'm weak,
The last thing I want to do is cry,

So forgive me for being wrong,
I guess I just didn't know,
That all your comfort and listening,
Was part of your big show,

Except, there's one last thing,
One detail I didn't explain,
I'm finding that I'm falling for you,
More and more every day,

It must have been part of your plan,
To trap me, then let me go,
But I wish you would have told me,
I just wish I would have known,

You knew I didn't want to be broken,
Because I was just beginning to mend,
Someone tell me why hearts are so cruel,
… And why when it comes to me, other's always pretend
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