Lost In Reality
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Welcome to Lost In Reality. This is my personal writing blog. It’s not only mine, it’s also yours. You readers/members/guests are the fuel to LIR. Without you LIR would not exist.

LIR is primarily a Horror Fiction Writing blog of mine and I enjoy making new and creative ways of getting people to join in/read.

Well enough of the mushy stuff take a look around and enjoy your visit.

Hope to see you again. :)
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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
My Pet : Untitled... 30012278

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As we sit in the snow white sand,
And the waves crash upon the shore,
I stare to the sky trying to understand,
Why the stars seem brighter then ever before.

Is it because the sky is so clear,
That the stars are shining bright?
Or could it be that love is near,
On this perfect summer night?

We laugh, we kiss, we talk,
Draw pictures in the sand.
Along the ocean we walk,
Just him and I, Hand in Hand.

Our night is almost finished,
As the moon is fading fast,
Another day will be diminished,
Put with the others in the past.

Everything seems to melt away,
Faster then the drop of a dime,
As night dissolves to day,
We lose more precious time.

Surely soon the sun will rise,
As this is Gods command,
I know he can see the twinkle in my eyes,
As we walk Hand in Hand.
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