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Welcome to Lost In Reality. This is my personal writing blog. It’s not only mine, it’s also yours. You readers/members/guests are the fuel to LIR. Without you LIR would not exist.

LIR is primarily a Horror Fiction Writing blog of mine and I enjoy making new and creative ways of getting people to join in/read.

Well enough of the mushy stuff take a look around and enjoy your visit.

Hope to see you again. :)
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 New Short Story Coming Soon...

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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
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PostSubject: New Short Story Coming Soon...   New Short Story Coming Soon... EmptyWed Jan 25, 2012 11:38 pm

I've been working on a new story for quite sometime. I've been working on different writing styles to find my writing style. But I have one that's almost done just adding more and changing some stuff around.

I'll give you a excerpt:

All i heard was loud bangs and muffled shouting coming from next door.
“What is that?” I thought as i pressed my ear up against the wall as quietly as i could.
I couldn’t hear much just banging and muffled noise. Just as quick as the banging started it stopped. I heard some shuffling than it got eerily quiet. I backed away from the wall as i pondered what exactly just happened over there.
“I should call the cops” I thought as i stumbled over a coffee able that sat in the middle of the room. I wondered if i should or if i even heard what i thought i heard. I’m not the most typical type of person who reaches out or even aspires to reach out. I live a quiet life and intend to keep it that way.

It's just a teaser Razz
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