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Welcome to Lost In Reality. This is my personal writing blog. It’s not only mine, it’s also yours. You readers/members/guests are the fuel to LIR. Without you LIR would not exist.

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 Victim Letter.

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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
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Victim Letter. Empty
PostSubject: Victim Letter.   Victim Letter. EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 9:37 pm


I found this piece of paper and pen in this hole in the wall. So I figured I may as well write something down in case someone might find it one day.

Well, a friend and I came across the Amusement Park we have never seen before. It was big and had awesome looking rides. We decided to go in and take a look, When we went it something was wrong. It had and Erie feeling and the gate locked behind us. We were trapped the only way to go was forward.

As we moved on inside we noticed there were no people. Where were all the people? We came across an empty cotton candy stand. It was coated in blood, We ran as far away from it as possible. Help Help we screamed, When we heard a voice it told us to enter a tent.

We went towards the comforting voice. It was the only sound of life. We came up to a tent with hand printed in blood, and blood smears on the ground. I grabbed my friends hand as tight as I could and we walked in. There was a woman sitting in the middle of the tent. When we got closer she jumped up and stabbed my friend in the neck. I screamed and ran to the back of the tent to find away out. Then I remembered What about Dave? All I could hear was screaming, and then the screaming stopped. When I found a way out I ran to this empty trailer and locked myself in.

Little did I know there was a manic in the trailer. When I turned around He got up and threw me to the other side of the trailer. He grabbed me and threw me out the window where the woman was standing. I suddenly passed out. I awoke to her putting a needle in my arm and locking me in a closed room. I can hear her outside the room. She wants to gut me and use my skin as a Jacket. She wants to cut off my head and put it on a ride for special effects.

Oh no she's coming.... If you are reading this My name is Lisa Collins I'm 24 years old and live in New York. Sadly I am dead and if your reading this then You Are In The Same Danger I. Was.
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