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 Abusement Park-The Series: Character Information

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Abusement Park-The Series: Character Information Empty
PostSubject: Abusement Park-The Series: Character Information   Abusement Park-The Series: Character Information EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 12:35 pm

Hello fellow LIR members and Visitors/Readers of this community.

I'm starting a little project that we can have in our community. A series of stories.

Why should we care you ask? Well it's not only one persons series to create. Its all of ours.

Members/Visitors/Readers of this community can help with the series by creating fictional characters that inhabit the AbuseMent Park. You can make as many as you want.

What kind of characters should they even be like?
They can be as crazy or as gory as you want. You can make a character who likes to cut peoples heads off and use them as bowls if you wanted to. Why because what else would you expect from The AbuseMent Park.

***Your participation is totally optional in this project. You don't have to join or even care about this if you don't want to.***

**Please note I will be writing the majority of the stories.... If you have an idea for something you want your character to do in the story please let me know...Also if you want to write some yourself be my guest just make sure the character you make fit the park and are approved... This is a group project and anyone is welcome***

No Aliens Please

Some Types Of Characters That Fit In:

Beasts (Like Hell Hounds)
Murders Of course
Any type of Killer Known to man
People to die of course
Anything that fits the series

If you would like to submit a character(s) for the series there are many ways of submitting your character(s)-
Here on LIR by PM
Submit your character(s) in this thread
Email- [Only admins are allowed to see this link]

Here is an example of a character that was made to go in the series

My Character:

Name- Queen Calina Drucellous

Place of birth
- Transylvania

Age- Immortal

- Queen Calina is the most vicious person known to man. Since she was a little girl people would tell stories of how she would kill animals. She was 5 when she mutilated a cat. As she grew older people would fear her. People feared she would turn to killing people and then there would be no stopping her. On her 20th birthday there were reports of people missing and she was the first suspect. The towns people formed a mob and surrounded her inside her house. They stabbed and sliced her until they were covered in her blood. They left her laying on the floor to die from her wounds. Just as she thought she was dead this darkness over took her. The voice in the darkness told her tales of how she would become and what she would be. The ruler of this world starting with the people who betrayed her. The darkness gave her powers that no man should posse. It gave her immortality and rage and hate filled her heart. Her skin turned pale and her wounds closed up, her nails grew long and sharp. What has she become. She went on a rampage killing everyone in town. She stumbled onto an amusement park and slaughtered everyone there. Blood covered everything. This will be her Kingdom.

Powers- She has Immortality, Mind Control, Super Strength, Able To See Your Fears, Teleport, Supernatural intelligence, Travel Outside The Body (astral projection), Blasting (Can blow stuff and people up with the flick of both her hands), Deflection (can block attacks), Summoning (Can summon ghosts or goblins to aide her), Regeneration (Self-Healing), Shapeshifting, Resurrection (can resurrect herself & the dead), Energy Balls, Power Absorption (If she touches you), And Move Objects With Her Mind and Hands.

Additional Info- She also has Minions who she rules over and she always gets more.
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