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  Jennifer Bacic- Demonic Entity

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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
My Pet :  Jennifer Bacic- Demonic Entity 30012278

 Jennifer Bacic- Demonic Entity Empty
PostSubject: Jennifer Bacic- Demonic Entity    Jennifer Bacic- Demonic Entity EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 1:17 pm

Name- Jennifer Bacic Also Called Lilith
Age: Immortal
Origin- Unknown

Info- One of a more powerful class of demons, her eyes appear white, not black, in a human host. Lilith came across the AbuseMent Park one day when she overshadowed a boy being led into a evil place. She watched as they tortured people. She watched them kill and spread their blood like butter. She knew this is the place for her. She knew people will come to her realm of the park and never get out. This is where she will call home

Powers- Overshadowing, Supernatural strength, She Can Posse You, She has razor sharp Nails used for slashing flesh, Fire Balls, Teleport, and Astro Project

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