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  Mel the Manic Ripper

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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
My Pet :  Mel the Manic Ripper 30012278

 Mel the Manic Ripper Empty
PostSubject: Mel the Manic Ripper    Mel the Manic Ripper EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 1:20 pm

Name - Mel the Manic ripper.

Age - 40

Place of Birth - At his home

Info - An insane ripper that was abused since the start of his life. Mel was raised in a family where he was abused everyday of his life he was beaten, thrown, stabbed, yelled at and burned by his parents that seemed always hate him. At the age of 19 all the abuse he got over the years finally burst Mel went insane with thoughts of murder and abuse he found a sword and used it to slowly cut his parents to death. When they died he continued to cut them until there was blood and flesh all over the floor he took the tiny pieces and ate them using the blood as sauce. Now homicidally insane he fled. Few days later the police came along the horrid site of bones, blood and flesh scattered over the room. Several days later police found evidence linking Mel to the murders. He was put on the FBI's most wanted list. For 21 years he evaded the FBI but he was running out of hiding places he need to kill more much more. The thought of murder and abuse where like joy to him seeing people suffer in pain as they slowly die was the only thing he ever saw. While running he came across AbuseMent Park the word "abuse" drew him into the park without saying anything he walked into the park looked around saw blood, limbs, bones and the smell of death his favorite things in the whole world. He met the parks owner and grew to love the park. He roams the lower levels of the park looking for a person to slowly slice to death with his sword.

Powers - Doesn't have any but he is so insane that he thinks he has powers.

Additional info
- He likes to slowly cut people to death
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