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 Darkness Inside Me

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Posts : 128
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 38
Location : New Jersey
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Darkness Inside Me Empty
PostSubject: Darkness Inside Me   Darkness Inside Me EmptyTue Jun 26, 2012 3:26 am

“Put that down Ark, I told you about playing with knives” Joan says as she grabs the knife from Arks hands. She walks over to the counter and put it back into the draw. “Aww mom you don’t ever let me have any fun” Ark shouts as he walks out of the kitchen. He walks out of his front door and heads over to a friends house. He walks up to the front porch but decides he going to sneak up on them. He walks towards the back of the house “Boo” Shouted Adam. Ark jumped then started laughing. “You guys are crazy” he said as he walked towards the bench in the backyard. Just as he sat down Brooke, Mike and Timmy came running towards him. “Come on Ark lets play tag” said Brooke as he pulled him up. “All right but I have to pee first” he says as he walks towards Adams house. He walks inside and passes through the kitchen on his way to the bathroom. On his way back through the kitchen something shiny happened to catch his eye. It was the most amazing knife he has ever seen. It was big and sharp and would cut through anything, it almost looked like a machete but he knew it wasn’t. He put it in his pants and ran outside.

When he got outside Mike ran to him and slapped him on the arm “ You’re it” he shouted as he ran away. They ran all around Adam’s backyard laughing and shouting at one another. Timmy was it and he was running towards Brooke He ran up to her and Pushed her on the ground. Brooke shouted and started to cry. She got up and ran towards her house. Ark stopped and looked at Timmy, they were laughing at his sister. “What’s so funny” he asked them? They looked at him and continued to laugh “Your stupid sister” they said. Ark got upset and grabbed for the knife he put in his pants. He lunged at the boys. When he landed his first blow on Timmy he stabbed him in the neck.Timmy screamed as Ark pulled the knife out. He grabbed mike and stabbed him until he couldn’t hear anymore screaming. Adam tried to run into his house but Ark chased him. When Ark caught him he stabbed him in the chest. Adam screamed and Ark stabbed him in the mouth. “Don’t ever laugh at my sister” he said as he continued to stab Adam.

All the screaming brought Adam’s parents out of the house. His mother came out and saw Ark stabbing her son and the other two boys were dead. She couldn’t do anything but scream. Ark stood up and slashed her across the face and ran home. When he got home he ran in the house and slammed the door. “Where were you?” Joan asked. She turned around and looked at Ark. She saw all the blood and ran over to check and see if he was all right. “It’s not my blood mom” he said as he pushed her away. His mother looked confused and wondered why he would have someone else blood on him. She called for his father to come downstairs and check on him. He came downstairs and saw ark covered in blood. He rushed over and grabbed his arms “Who’s blood is this” he asked while she shook Ark. Just as Ark began to speak he heard sirens coming from the neighbors house. His father ran out to go see what happened, His mom rushed to the window to watch. As Kevin walked towards Adams house his mom ran over to him and started hitting him and crying “Your son did this....How can you live with yourself knowing your son is a murderer” She said as she fell to her knees. Kevin pushed her away and made his way back towards his house.

He walked in and slammed the door. “Why would you do that, Are you crazy” he shouted as he walked towards Ark. He slapped Ark across the face and Ark pulled out the knife he used to kill the boys with. “They hurt Brooke” he tried to explain. His father didn’t care he threw Ark some clothes and told him to get out. Ark tried to fight him but he was to strong. He threw him out and locked the door. Ark banged and stabbed the door. They closed the curtains and walked away, Ark stood outside cutting himself and screaming at the door. Soon he heard sirens coming toward his house, he knew he had to get out of there. He ran into the woods behind his house, he changed his clothes and ran away.

Ark was so distraught he couldn’t cope without the love of his parents. He would cut himself when he felt sad and lonely. One night while he was camping in the woods some people cam across him and asked if they could join him. Ark didn’t say anything he just looked up at them and then looked back down at the ground. One of the people bent down to see if he was all right. Ark lunged up and slashed his throat. The blood running down his arms felt good to him. He enjoyed the warm feeling he got as it dripped down. The other camper screamed and started running. Ark ran after him they ran through the dark woods and Ark lost him in the night. He screamed up at the moon, He looked around and saw an Erie fog leading to a place that smelled of Blood and Death. He walked up to a sign and it read Welcome To The AbuseMent Park. “Sounds like my kind of place” he thought to himself. As he walked in he saw limbs and flesh everywhere. He walked toward a bloody booth but no one was there. There was no one around but he had the feeling something was watching him. He turned around to see 5 Hell Hounds standing behind him. They started to growl and move in closer to him. He started to laugh at the sight of them. “You are beautiful babies” he said as he reached to touch them. They sniffed his hand and clothes. They could smell the anger and pain he has inside. They can sense he is a murderer at heart. The dogs backed away and disappeared. Ark wiped his eyes to be sure he just seen them disappear. He turned and walked further into the park.

He saw a blood stained trailer and walked inside. There were arms and torsos left in the trailer. He turned to go out the door, when he opened the door a woman appeared. “Why are you here” asked the woman? She floated around him and sniffed the air around him. “You want to torture souls, and rip their hearts out” she asked. Ark looked at her deep red eyes and slowly began to answer “I want to torture souls, and rip limbs off, I want to give people hell like my parents did to me” he said as he began to smile. The woman began to laugh and disappeared. Ark looked around but didn’t see where she went. He walked out of the trailer and towards a building. Just as he got closer to the building the woman appeared to him again. “You have the soul of a reaper and you will take souls and bring them to me.” She says as a glowing sword appeared in his hands. “This sword is like no other and with it you can take souls.” She explained. The sword made him feel more powerful he had more strength. He knew with this weapon he will do things he always dreamed. “Let the darkness flow through you, Become one with the darkness it will take you on a journey like no other” the woman said as she slowly faded away. Ark Vowed to torture and mangle anyone who crossed his path. From this day forth I will be known as The Reaper
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