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Welcome to Lost In Reality. This is my personal writing blog. It’s not only mine, it’s also yours. You readers/members/guests are the fuel to LIR. Without you LIR would not exist.

LIR is primarily a Horror Fiction Writing blog of mine and I enjoy making new and creative ways of getting people to join in/read.

Well enough of the mushy stuff take a look around and enjoy your visit.

Hope to see you again. :)
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The Wrangler

By Yrani Gami

part 1

The thing about wrangling zombies is that you need to know exactly how to talk to them.
Zombies are really good listeners.
I bet you didn’t know that, did you?
They can also sense if someone is going to stand and confront them or flee. Zombies can detect a yellow streak running down somebody’s back, like dogs smell bacon. They also seem to be able to coordinate an attack pretty good for a bunch of stumbling,...
by Yrani Gami - Comments: 0 - Views: 1089

House Of Misery

The light shone bright in my eyes as I squinted to see. I didn’t know where I was and I began to get a really bad feeling. I felt myself in a chair and a table in front of me. Where was I? Who brought me here? Why is the light shining on me like a movie star?
” I know you had something to do with this just spit it out” yelled an angry voice from across the pitch black room. As I looked around all I could see was the glow...
by Dark-Minds - Comments: 0 - Views: 875

It was one of those nights you can only dream of. He bought me wine and a cheese plate it was wonderful. I secretly wished we could stay in this place forever, I knew better than to try to make that happen. He has a fiance, And I'm just the one who he comes to when he’s down and out. I don’t like doing this to my friend but what other choice do I have, I love him and all that he’s worth.

He makes me feel alive and wanted. If only I can find a guy of my own to give me such a dream come true.
“Ash I have to go, Julie will get worried” He said as he reached for his coat. I grabbed...
by Dark-Minds - Comments: 0 - Views: 945
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